Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Don't Look Back in Anger...I heard you say.

I am a happy person I promise! My personal existence is dotted with laughter and optimism. I am aware of many blessings. I have many ideas, interest, and pursuits. I collect friends and acquaintances from all walks of life and I am genuinely interested in who they are and getting quality time with them. My favorite bloggers let me peek into their lives and usually do so to the positive side. A visit to the Jerasphere can improve one’s day in a heart beat or going to Life Is How You describe It, can bring about laughs and introspection, the Sweden dot Kcomposite blog can tackle some big issues and with pure comedy. So why do I seem so angry?

I haven’t posted for two weeks trying to answer that very question. I still have no answer. The world and America I is in a pretty suck place right now and I feel compelled to speak of things from time to time. I also suffer from attention debilitating problem of seeing the common thread in all things and from all sides offered. I figured I would post a list of my beliefs whether that turns you on or off and let full disclosure spill out.

Gay Marriage – I do not think we heterosexuals have been such a glowing example of the sacrament that we could ever tell another orientation they should be disallowed. The oft quoted portion of the bible comes from a set of laws for the tribes of Israel geared towards increasing the spread of their people, religion and economic value in the Middle Eastern basin. The same set of laws allowed for disobedient children to be stoned to death, marriage to more than one woman, and denouncing the abomination of mixed fabric garments. I don’t know how you feel, but I would bet there is more than a fair share of polyester blends at anti gay protest.

Abortion - Is not something I personally support in many moral aspects, but I do believe it should remain legal in the aspect that I feel you cannot legislate a clear definition that addresses every set of circumstances and the greater good to society is served by allowing women to deal with their circumstances as they see fit.

Repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – People call it an antiquated policy, but truth is we are quite young in world history. Antiquated would mean it served a purpose at one time or another. If you look into antiquity in a military mindset you will come across the Spartans and Alexander the Great. Alexander’s bi-sexuality is well documented and he is considered one of the most successful military figures in human history. The Spartan warriors engaged in same sex affairs as a part of their military doctrine. It is an ignorant policy and not worthy of debate. Repeal and move forward.

The Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act – Both took rights away from us. Any good propagandist would tell you naming something fuzzy when it is full of thorns leads to less opposition, since my opposition to a dullard equates to I am against patriotism and security at home. I have many new problems with the Democrats as they have made no move to repeal either one.

Government Regulation – Industry has to be regulated. Each and every time since our founding fathers government has loosened the grips on industry human rights and economies take a nose dive. Start at laissez faire, hit the industrial revolution, and check the depression, new deal, S & L collapses up to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It is not anti-capitalist it is anti-fascist. (See Hitler, Mussollini)

The Media – Each side gives a slanted view and the truth is only peppered in to make the whole dish digestible. We have to go outside of our borders to find the truth.

Reagan – One of our most popular presidents, who went against every campaign promise in his bid for president and broke every mantra he put to the world in his political career. He was a hypocrite that changed the direction of his party to a historical apologist group who cannot admit there is very little conservative or fiscally responsible about their track record since 1980. He was not a hero.

Music Snobbery – Guilty as charged. I see musician’s as artist. I see people who play other’s work as people with the talent to be a musician, but choose not to be. Mariah Carey is not an artist. Unfortunately Lady Gaga is. I know many vocal talents worthy a listen, my wife included who would take offense at my viewing their talent at less than artistry, but I desire to hear them beautifully singing their own inspirations and beliefs not some unknown from a song writing stable trying to get back at the one that got away. Here are some wonderful artist P.J. Harvey, Patty Smith, Bjork, Crissy Hynde that would make a great Divas special. Don’t get me wrong there are some entertaining vocalists out there. Try Edith Piaf, Marlene Dietrich, The Andrews Sisters, and David Lee Roth all beautiful ladies with golden pipes.

American Cars – Suck compared to most Asian and European cars. I will not be guilted into buying American if we are producing substandard quality with unimaginative design.

Buy Locally – Yes it is more expensive, but supply and demand dictates that. Starbucks sucks. WalMart sucks. Vegetables at Kroger suck. If more bought locally quality goes up. Local economy goes up. Prices go down without uncompromised quality and you are supporting someone you can talk to face to face.

High Fructose Corn Syrup – It is unhealthy. It does change the flavor. And cocaine comes from all natural products as well so stop expounding its healthful benefit. Outlaw the shit so I can get sugar cane colas without driving to a specialty market.

Troops- You can question the war and Gitmo without trivializing the military’s importance. You can support the troops while questioning the government’s use of them.

Military Funeral Protest – Groups who choose to protest homosexuality by showing up at a military funeral with signs proclaiming the damnation of everyone who has learned to breathe with their mouth closed are the greatest argument for justifiable homicide I have ever seen.

There are a few of the things that have been clogging my brain bucket of late. It feels good to pour out some of the crud at times. Maybe I’ll just have to bleed out the poison from time to time. Now I am going to let my thoughts relax and return to the fire-bad tree-pretty world that MonkeyMom goes to.


  1. Happy people have frustrations too... I think it's totally normal (or I'm justifying it because I'm happy but sometimes frustrated as well...peas in a pod :)

    I'm with you on the HFCS thing. Same thing with Splenda. I don't have enough background to argue intelligently why I think they might be bad...I just do. For now, that informs my choices. Speaking of: Ketchup with Agave Nectar (vice HFCS) is amazing.

  2. Just to throw back at you, Heniz first released their organic ketchup, which tastes like Heinz, and just released simply Heinz sans the HFCS, which tastes good as well. Pepsi has limited edition Pepsi, Mt.Dew and Dr.Pepper made with sugar, under the Throwback label. I tried the Dr.Pepper, which tasted distinctly like it did when I was a kid and nothing like the HFCS version that turns my stomach.
