Monday, January 31, 2011

Comfort Food for the Soul

I do not make resolutions in the implied sense of sitting down and going through a laundry list of things that need refurbished in my life. I often embark on such adventures without any plan and like the well plotted courses of others I have failed and I have succeeded.

Entering the New Year there was on my mind a resolve to react differently in the world, I knew I would return to these “broadcasts” when the static of our state of hyperbole had eased within me a little. A dysfunctional government, the shootings in Arizona, the Middle East in a new turning point I was getting unsure of when the time would come.

Then it dawned on me the time was easing in through all those situations and more to come. The static is controlled by me alone. I have always lived by fight or flight, and in most cases of flight it was only after I had my word. I realized my influence in this world is beyond my control. My actions and words only impact those who allow it. I will no longer spend time debating my own decision with someone outside the situation. No crazy making on my part and I will demand that rule of my interactions as well. I will always be available as a friend, but I refuse to take part in debate and argument that has an outcome of no consequence to the world.

3 days ago I went out with 12 other folks. We represent a wide range of socio-economic, philosophical, political, and religious backgrounds. Our in commons have been bolstered by life experience. I have another similar group of friends that combined with the first group makes up the arranged family we all look to when our own does not fill the need. Thinking of both groups the disagreements are few or dealt with quickly, the laughter is organic and the “lets do this again,” is sincere. Each one of these folks are beautiful to me in ways both unexpected and needed. This family makes one rich the kind of wealth that actually matters when the final tallies are taken.

I will still be challenged, craziness will present itself, but I know what I have in life makes me happy. My resolve now is simply never losing sight of this wealth.